"I, too"

Publié le par langston-and-us.over-blog.com

I-The poem


The poem "I, Too" was written by Langston Hughes in 1924.

The section: Words like freedom.




« I, Too » has major importance, because it implicates that multiple races make up the face of America and not only whites.

Langston wants to show that black community exists.Recaps 2 fundamental ideas in one assertation of black identity.it's an  empowering piece that calls for equality.

"I" , "too"= equal to whites, "sing"= anthem, notion of music in LH's poems.

*attempt for equality

* black ego asserting itself


III-Time & setting

The poem is located in America, l-18: "I, too, am America"

Present,(use of present tense is a reminder to the currentness of the situation AND future.

African Americans were not accepted. Blacks were discriminated, killed violently.


IV-Dramatic situation

The speaker could be Langston Hughes

First narrative person, l-1: " I, too, sing America  "

The poem describes a black man’s personal experience with racial discrimination. The poet is trying to show how America covers up her racial discrimination of problems.
The tone changes throughout the poem.

 the speaker wants a place with the whites.He sings= an expression of freedom (cf Walt Whitman)


5 stanzas

Free verses

Stanza 1:

In the first line, the tone is patriotic. "I, too, sing America," indicates the national anthem, and symbolizes unity throughout the nation. This line clearly signifies one thing: just because his skin color is different from whites, he argues that he also sings the National Anthem by "I too".the ability to have a voice in this world.

Stanza 2:

"I am the darker brother": points the idiom "being the dark horse". The expression refers to a low profile person who is noticed but eventually wins the race.The word "brother" connotes the intimacy that blacks experience in relation to America and their counterparts.The poem, particulary this stanza, shows blunt disrespect from the master (white) to his servant (black) by sending him away everytime visitors come (l-4), he is ordered to eat in the kitchen (l-3), secluded from company. However it is not paying attention, he finds it very funny supported by l-5: "But I laugh." He is secluded in the kitchen, but he eats well. (l-6) He find amusement in his unpleasant situation, but the isolation also has a positive effect on him because he becomes stronger, verified by l-7.

Stanza 3:

Envisions the future when he won't be only present but hav dinner at table as a guest.He will not be marginalized and the rights of his people will be reestablished.He will no longer remain to the area of domesticity but enter a new place qhere he can think and decalre I, too, AM  america.

This stanza is the heart of the poem, demonstrates the strength of a black slave who stands up for what is right and says enough is enough. When he says "tomorrow, I'll be at the table" l-8;14 , he takes a important decision. This statement by the slave shows his real bravery.

Stanza 4:

The slave becomes powerful "nobody'll dare" l-11 with a strong mind.

The slave expresses the following: When they finally see a black man at the table, they will recognize the beauty of an African American, and look stupid with shame. This stanza shows the pride of the slave. He won his fight with whites: to show that blacks and whites are equal.

Stanza 5:

The last line, "I, too, am America," is a perfect closure. This reminds us again that African Americans are as much a part of America than whites.


"I, Too" is an anti-discrimination poem, which shows the injustice of racism.

The poem is very effective thanks to its genuine emotions.

The poem "I, Too" shouts for equality and freedom

The message of the poem is obvious: Blacks ought to have the same freedom as whites, and take a stand when need be. Hughes expresses his feelings by saying that blacks have equal rights too, like every white person in the world.

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