New Yorkers

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New Yorkers


Je suis né ici,

Ce n’est pas un mensonge, dit-il

Juste ici, sous le ciel de Dieu.

Je ne suis pas née ici, dit-elle

Je viens – et pourquoi?

Je viens,

De parents qui travaillent dur

Toutes leurs vies

Jusqu’à ce qu’ils meurent

Et ne possèdent aucune partie

De la terre ni du ciel

Donc je suis venue ici.

Maintenant,  qu’ai-je ?


Elle retroussa ses lèvres

Dans l’obscurité:

La même vieille étincelle !


The poem :

The poem is a part of

Montage of a Dream Deferred                 Dream: American Dream?

The title:

Suppositions :

The setting : New York

Many  people

New : a begin, new people

So the poem is maybe about a relation between many people at New York. With something starting, (a new life, a love story …)

Dramatic Situation

There are two characters. A man and a woman. They are talking by another person; it’s postponing lyrics. A woman has come to New York to make a fortune. And in fact she found love. The speaker organize a dialogue.

The poem can be addressed to everybody.

Structure :


I was born here,

That’s no lie, he said,

Right here beneath God’s sky.

3 lines


I wasn ’t born here, she said,

I come -- and why ?

Where I come from

Folks work hard

All their lives

Until they die

And never own no parts

Of earth nor sky

So I come up here.

Now what’ve I got?

You !

11  lines , Italic passage to show the changement  of character.

She lifted up her lips

In the dark:

The same old spark.

3 lines again, so a kind of regularity in the poem.

First stanza

No rhymes

He believes in God

A man native from New York

Second stanza


Immigrant (not native from New York)

 Her parents are maybe already dead

 Not easy life.

She wants to gives a homage to her parents and fulfill her dream, have a good life.

Love declaration.

Third stanza

They are probably kissing

Maybe  old persons

Return to the present


It’s a dialogue between two characters, we can see at the end of the poem that it’s the woman who is remembering her love declaration to a man who is, perhaps now, her husband. 

The poem tells about the immigration and probably the American dream.

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